Two whole months since I last blogged…I think that might be a record! There are so many reasons for my lack of posting that I may or may not go into later. First, Hudson is a madman and keeps me moving! When he goes down for naps…
Well, I’ve been 28 for five days now, and I’m not really sure that anything has changed. But I am sure that this is how people wind up saying “where has the time gone” when they hit fifty. Some days I feel I was just in high school, and other days I feel like I’ve lived a…

Hi there! I'm Caitlin, the voice behind Freckle Eye Fancy. I am wife to Brandon and mama to three: our rainbow Hudson, and two angels, Carter and Little Bean. Here we share our journey and everything it encompasses: love, grief, travel, food, and life in general.
Thanks for being here!
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First blog post in six months…definitely a new record. I’ve had so much I could and should have written about, but I just haven’t. For multiple reasons that I will probably never go into. But that’s not the point of this post! I just looked through…