Ten things.

1. We spent the weekend in Logan with our families, and it was such a good time. My parents came down for the homecoming game, so we spent all day Saturday and Sunday morning with them and had a blast. We stayed at Brandon's parents' house though, so we were able to get in some good quality time with them too.
2. Brandon's side of the family threw me a baby shower on Friday and it was the greatest! We ate good food, played games, and they just showered our guy with love. He's such a lucky little guy to have so many people love him before they even know him!
3. My dad bought himself a foam finger to take to the game, and it was probably the highlight of that whole day. It made him so happy. And me.
4. We only have five weeks left until we get to meet our little man!! I keep having dreams about him and I just love him so much, it's overwhelming.
5. He gave us a little bit of a scare on Sunday, because I didn't feel him move all day as much as he normally does. Even after a diet coke, I didn't feel him. It wasn't until like 8:30 that night that I felt him wiggle, but even then it was slight. So we went to the doctor early Monday morning, just to be safe, and he looks just great! He must have just been having a chill day.
6. The other bright side, other than him being healthy and great, is that they did an ultrasound, so we got to see his sweet face. We haven't seen him since our 20 week appointment, so it was fun to see how much has developed. I think he looks so much like Brandon; they have the same nose and same lips. But I'm so excited to see him in real life so soon!
7. I gave my notice of resignation at work yesterday. For the most part, it's only people in the office that know for now. I gave them just under five weeks notice so they have plenty of time to replace me. It feels weird to think about not working, but then I remember how much of a struggle it has been to get out of bed every day this week and feel better about it.
8. If anybody from Boise is reading this and wants two tickets to Chris Young, we are selling ours. I decided that I don't want to risk going into labor so far from home, even though it was to see two of my favorite artists of all time (Cassadee Pope and Dan + Shay). And if anyone is going to the concert and wants to take a cardboard cutout of me to have Cassadee take a picture with, let me know.
9. We made these caramel apple nachos for the shower at my parents' house, and I can't stop thinking about them.
10. We're officially home from now until...who knows when. Our plans for the next four weekends consist of prepping for the baby and relaxing. It's going to be so weird to not have any major plans or have to drive anywhere...we're looking forward to it!