The last high school graduate!
My baby bro graduated high school this past weekend!! He has been done with school for two weeks now, so I'm sure he has felt like a graduate for a while, but I can't believe that he is finally, actually done with high school. My mom had a poster of pictures of him since he was in kindergarten, and I realized this weekend that when I think about him, I still picture him as a cute little second grader. It's hard to believe he's all grown up now! But I am so excited, because he is going to Utah State in the fall, which means that we will live so close to each other!! He's going to hate how often I make him hang out with me haha.
Graduations are one of the times that the whole family gets together. My parents were there, obviously, but so were my grandparents, cousins, and some aunts and uncles. It was great to have some quality family time with every one. It's always a little crazy when we're together!
Being in Boise definitely made me miss it even more-living close to my family, all the things Brandon and I used to do there, all the things we didn't get the chance to do, etc.-so I'm super grateful that we have reasons to keep going back. But I am super happy that Adrian will be in the same state so I can have a little piece of home closer to me. He and my parents will be in Logan this weekend for SOAR (student orientation and registration) and I'm hoping they will be able to come down and stay with us for the weekend.
It's crazy to look at the pictures now, and the pictures that were taken at my graduation seven years ago and see how much the three of us have changed. Even between Anthony's graduation and now, he has grown up so much! It makes me excited to see what the future holds for us, but also a little sad that we're growing up so fast. Adrian will be starting college in the fall, Anthony is getting married in September, and we're having a baby a few months after. I honestly don't know how my parents are handling all the change so well! I'm not even the parent and I can hardly stand it!
Everything about this picture melts my heart. Adrian in his gown, Anthony's cheeser smile (which makes him look so old, what the heck!), my parents squinty smiles that I'm positive have more to do with pride and happiness than how sunny it was that day...
Look at what a difference just a few years makes!!
And the difference of seven years. They were so little!!