Our five-day baby.

To fully tell this story, I need to back up a bit. Before we went to Disney World, I really thought I was pregnant. I was having some symptoms, and I just felt pregnant. But test after test confirmed that I wasn’t. I took one more test the day we got home, and again, negative. I was still confused as to why I was having symptoms, so I called my doctor and asked to get my blood drawn so we could make sure I was ectopically pregnant. I wasn’t, but I had started having some pain in my abdomen, so we made another appointment to go see him. He wondered if it was maybe appendicitis, so we did another blood draw to check my blood cell counts, and all were normal. Four days after that I was in a lot of pain, so I went in for an ultrasound and found out that I had an ovarian cyst. I wasn’t upset by this, because our bodies make cysts for a living, and one cyst isn’t anything out of control, plus if it is something that has happened before, it kind of explains why it took us a little bit to get pregnant with Carter, but that’s a story for another day.

My doctor was out of town when I found out about the cyst, and was gone for two weeks after, so I didn’t have a chance to talk to him about it before my follow up appointment. When we went back in (two weeks after finding out about the cyst), the ultrasound tech told me that the final ultrasound report said that my cyst had actually ruptured (which would explain why I was in so much pain the day I went in) and that we didn’t need to do a follow up ultrasound because the cyst was gone. For some reason, I felt like being naggy and kind of insisting that she do another ultrasound. She said she would just do a quick scan, and if she saw something, she would do a full exam. She looked at both ovaries, and they looked fine, then did a quick swipe over my uterus and said “I think there might be something there.” I said “like a baby?” and she said “I think so!”

We ended up doing a full exam, and found out that there was indeed a tiny baby with a little heartbeat! Brandon and I were so surprised. We just kept looking at each other and shaking our heads and laughing. We hadn’t anticipated being pregnant, but I was so glad I pushed for that ultrasound! It was just crazy that I stopped taking pregnancy tests when we got back from vacation, but that was when I should have started (tmi but oh well!). We went upstairs to meet with the doctor, and everyone was so excited for us. The first thing he did when he came in the room was give both of us a hug haha.

The appointment that day was exactly 39 weeks, almost down to the minute, from the day we found out we had lost Carter. That whole day had been kind of crappy, but finding out we were pregnant on such a hard day made it a little easier. I measured 5 weeks 6 days, and our tentative due date was set for March 22, which meant that with our early induction due to our losses, we would have a baby a day or two before my birthday.

That night after our appointment, we went directly to our neighbor friends (who are also loss parents) and shared the news. We went to a wedding the next day and had to keep the secret from Brandon’s family, and it was so tough! All weekend we were so excited. I kept wanting to call our parents and tell them, and it was so hard to be patient! We let ourselves get really excited, talking about bringing the baby home and all things baby. A friend, who didn’t know I was pregnant, sent me a rainbow blanket she had made me herself, and we got it the day after we found out we were pregnant. I thought it was a sign that this one would stick, and that we would get to bring it home. In retrospect, I should have known that getting too excited would jinx it.

Monday morning at work, I went to the bathroom and found that I was bleeding. I called Brandon as I was leaving work, and he met me at the doctor’s office. The doctor looked me over, said I wasn’t actively bleeding and that there were no signs that we were losing the baby. We even did an ultrasound, and the baby still had a very strong heartbeat. For the moment, we were safe. He sent us home with orders to rest and eat lots of ice cream. An hour and a half later, I bled more, and I knew it was over. I called my doctor the next morning to tell him I had been bleeding all night, and he said we were probably losing the baby. We went in for another ultrasound Wednesday afternoon, and even though the sac was still there, the baby was gone. We had lost another baby.

The rest of this last week has been spent recovering and dealing with the physical pain that accompanies a miscarriage. Our doctor said that ours was just a very typical miscarriage, and that unfortunately, they are very common. He said that it in no way relates to either of our other two losses, and was just another stroke of bad luck. He also said that this should not deter us from trying again. It was nothing we did, nothing my body did (and not caused by the cyst or my thyroid meds or anything), and that we should try not to be discouraged. Then he sent us home again with orders to eat ice cream, and to plan another trip instead of going to the gym. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it a million times, but he really is the best.

We’re sad, obviously, but we have to keep moving forward. If someone wants to make me a giant banner that says that, keep moving forward, I’d love to hang it in my house somewhere. It has definitely been our motto for the past nine months.

Even though we’ve been dealing with another loss all week, my heart has felt so full. Brandon is the most incredible husband; I couldn’t have asked for someone better to go through all this with, and our babies are so lucky to have him as their dad. Together, we have two little angels, and another little baby that brought sunshine back into our lives for just a few days. Our house is so empty, but our family keeps growing. Even though our family is not the most traditional one, we are still parents, and our children are ours to love forever.

Hi Little Bean: May 23, 2017

May 23, 2017

Hi Little Bean.

I miss you so much. I haven’t written to you since the excitement the day after the ER, and now you’re gone. The two weeks since we found out about your swelling have gone so terribly fast, yet I feel like we had just enough time with you before we lost you. Thank you for staying with me through Mother’s Day. And thank you for coming to us at all. We love you so so much.

I came back to work yesterday, bean, and I have felt pregnant both days. I have gotten a little bit of afternoon sickness, have been so tired, and if I didn’t know any better, swear I could have felt you wiggling around in there. But you’re not here, and my body is still confused. One minute I was pregnant, the next I wasn’t. I don’t know how to comprehend the change that I had no part in. With Carter, I was an active participant in his delivery. With you, I was asleep on a table.

I’m waiting to hear from the doctor if he was able to have you cremated or not. I’m going to guess he wasn’t, but I don’t know how to get some closure on your loss without that. Maybe daddy and I can just say some words next to Carter’s grave and pretend you’re there. Maybe we can get a little plaque with your name on it or something. But I just really want to be able to spread your ashes. I want some physical proof that you were here, and that I’m not making it up like I made up Carter.

It’s such a confusing thing, to lose a baby. How do you lose something you barely had? And I barely barely had you. You were still so little. The report says your hand measured 1 centimeter, and your little foot measured 1.1 centimeter. You were barely there. And now you’re not here, and I can’t grasp it.

I can’t understand why we had to lose you. I get that maybe the timing was just meant to be this way. You were supposed to come for a bit, but that you have other stuff to take care of up there, and that you’ll be back. I hope you’ll be back. I knew it was you and I knew you were here before I even knew I was pregnant. You and I have a special, special bond that I wouldn’t trade for anything. But I hate that I knew  you were gone. I hate that you had to go in the first place.

This week we would have been sixteen weeks pregnant, and we would have been sharing you with the world, finally. Instead we shared the news the morning we went to the hospital. And instead of sharing the news with joy, we shared it with sadness.

I miss you, little bean. We love you very, very much. Stay safe.


Lazy weekends.

I wrote weekends, like Brandon and I actually have had more than one weekend with zero plans, but this past weekend was the first we've had in a really, really long time! We didn't even go up to Logan, which was unusual. We usually either have a lot of things to do at home, or we make a trip to go see the babies. This weekend, we didn't do either.

Friday night, Brandon went to a movie with some guys from work, and I hung out with a friend until her husband got home. Then I treated myself to Costa, and watched Riverdale until Brandon got home. (Does anyone else watch Riverdale? Why am I so obsessed with it??) The next morning, we slept in a bit, ran to Walmart for some breakfast stuff, cleaned the house real quick, showered, and put our pj's right back on. We sat down to watch Parks and Rec around 2:00, and I fell asleep probably around 3:30. After a two hour nap, we went to Firehouse Subs for dinner, then went up to Daybreak to walk around the lake. We were feeling kind of bad about our lazy day, but we ended up walking five miles around the lake, so then we felt okay about it haha.

I didn't sleep well Saturday night, so we slept in pretty late on Sunday. Once we finally got out of bed, we ran to Target to pick up a few things. My best friend's nephew was in a pretty bad burn accident last week, and his birthday is today, so we got him a few movies, a book, a game, and a blanket that will hopefully help get him through his time at the hospital. We drove across the valley to leave the gift at the hotel, so that took up a good chunk of our day. That morning, Brandon told me we couldn't take a nap, but after we finished folding the laundry, he decided he was tired, so we laid down with an alarm set for 45 minutes later, and ended up waking up almost two hours later. Oops. But I felt fine about it, because that meant we didn't have to go to the gym, so we just made dinner and went for another walk instead.

This is a rambly post, but it was so nice to have a weekend with Brandon to do nothing. Even though we took lots of naps, we got in some good bonding time. July was our busy month, and September will be the same, so here's hoping August will be full of relaxing weekends!

39 weeks.

I know I'm posting a lot this week, but apparently I have a lot on my mind. 

I wasn't sure how the 39 week mark would affect me. I knew it would be hard, but I can't decide if it has been harder or easier than I imagined. It honestly blows my mind that it has been nine months since we lost Carter. The pregnancy went extremely fast, and the time after has done the same. Almost too fast for my liking sometimes. Some days I wish I could just slow everything down and take more time to grieve, especially since losing little bean. I wish I could go and spend more time at the cemetery. I wish I could do everything in the comfort of the nursery every day. But what I wish most is that I was mothering a live child. That, rather than sitting at the cemetery, we could be sitting at a park. Rather than taking time to grieve, we could be taking time to snuggle. Rather than sitting in the nursery, I'd be chasing a crawling baby all over the house. There are so many things I wish could be different.

The 26th of each month is generally always harder than the 27th, and this month is no exception. I had a follow up with my doctor on Wednesday at 4:00, the same day, date, and time of our appointment the day we found out we lost Carter. It sucked. I almost wanted to cancel, just because I knew that going to his office that day would make things hurt so much worse. We had a wedding to go to on the 27th, and it kind of sucked having to put on a face and talk to people.

As I'm writing this, I'm thinking about the days following the 27th. I remember little things, but not necessarily when they happened. We went home Thursday night, and were treated to french toast in bed, and gifts from our parents. My friends came over sometime that weekend and all we could do was hug each other and cry. My mom brought home Costco hot dogs for lunch one day. I left a giant wet spot on the couch from icing myself and not realizing that the ice had melted through my sweatpants. I cried in the shower each day. I woke Brandon up many times a night to help me go to the bathroom. My milk came in as a solid reminder that there was no baby to feed. We went for a walk to the mailbox one day because that was all I could handle. Flowers and cards poured in. The thing I remember most is going for a drive after my parents left, and feeling like the car and the house were all too empty. We still feel that every day.

For whatever reason, every time I'm prepping the house for my parents or Brandon's parents to come down, I cry. Even though both sets of parents have been to our house multiple times since October, it always feels like that was the last time. Maybe I feel guilty, or maybe thinking back to that weekend just makes me so sad, but either way, it happens every time.

I miss being 39 weeks pregnant. I miss the discomfort and the heartburn and the lack of sleep and the belly and the tiny kicks inside me. I miss craving pizza rolls and Carter's hiccups and feeling him dancing to my favorite songs. I miss the glow and the happiness Brandon and I both had as we closed in on the due date. I miss being naive and patient. I miss our son. I miss him more than I've ever wanted or missed anything in my entire life. I miss him as much as I love him. Endless amounts. So much that it hurts literally all the time.

I would give so many things to have him back. I would give my own life if Carter could come back and live with Brandon. But this is our life now. We have to take what we can get, and muddle through the 26th and 27th of every single month. I will never be 38 or 39 weeks pregnant ever again; those two weeks are something that I will have shared with only Carter. I would give anything to be 39 weeks pregnant again. Or maybe 38 weeks. I just want to go back to a time when our son was alive.

Nine Months In // Nine Months Out

It has been nine months since you were born. October 27, 2016. I wish we could take one of those “nine month” pictures. The kind where I hold you roughly where you hung out in my belly, and then we put it next to the very last picture of my pregnant belly and compare the two.

I wish we could be doing that. There are so many things I wish I could be doing with you today.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million times, but I think it’s extremely unfair that Thursdays still exist. And that the 27th of each month exists. It’s the worst when they happen to be the exact same day. Now it has happened twice. Not only is today the 27th, and a Thursday, and exactly nine months, but it also marks thirty-nine weeks since the day you were born. The same number of weeks I was pregnant when we lost you.

A huge part of me can’t believe that it has already been 39 weeks. This time last year we were 25 weeks along, and your little kicks were starting to get so strong. We started setting up the nursery and buying more and more clothes, and trying to decide on a name. This year just feels empty. 

There are only so many ways we can track time without you, and it seems like four of the five all happen this month. And even though it gives me a specific time that is set aside to only think about you, I’d really rather that you were here every second of the day, making it hard to focus on anything else. When my alarm buzzes every Thursday and each month on the 27th, my movements slow and I stop what I’m doing to think about you and only you. Some days I barely scratch the surface, other days I relive the entire process, from the second we found out you were gone until the day we buried you. Neither way is easy. And as hard as I try, I generally end up in tears.

So many people said it would get easier, but I think they kind of lied.

What would you be doing right now, at nine months old? Would you be crawling like crazy around the house? Pulling yourself up to stand against the couch? Playing so much and talking nonstop just like your mom? You would be daddy’s little buddy, and my best friend. And maybe the cats would have taken to you by now. Hopefully.

We would be spoiling you like crazy, that I know for sure. We’re still trying to do that, even though you aren’t here, so it’s just a little harder. We make a day trip to see you at the cemetery as often as we can, and always try to take a toy or flowers. We buy you a souvenir on each of our trips, and keep as many airplane trinkets as we can around the house, so that there are little reminders of you everywhere we look. But even without those things, I know we’d never forget to remember you. Not on the 27th, or on any other day of any year.

Nine months in, and nine months out, my sweet Carter boy. Nine months with you in my belly, nine months of you not being here. Nine months of preparing to be parents, nine months of parenting differently. Nine months of loving you before we knew you, and forever more to love you until we see you again.


**original post on Still Mothers


Hi Little Bean: May 8 & 10, 2017

May 8, 2017

Hi baby H,

I started feeling really brave this weekend about welcoming you into the world. Looking at boy things is still a little hard, so I mostly looked at girl things yesterday, but I felt like it was a pretty big step. I looked at crib sheets, and a few outfits, and I was even okay to flip through the small Carter’s catalog that came to our house. If you are a boy, then I will eventually be okay to look at boy things, but maybe not right away. There are lots of fun girl things for if you are a girl, though!

I can’t believe we find out in at most nine days whether you are a little boy or girl. I know we were planning to wait until we were seventeen weeks, which would mean we’d still have 21 days, but that’s hardly anything! We leave for Disney World in 17 days, and then we get to announce you to the world! I’m so excited to go on a vacation with just your dad, and to take you on your first Disney trip! We’ll do all sorts of fun things and eat all the best food, since I can’t go on any of the big rides.

Little bean, we love you so much! I will do my best to keep you safe. We’ll see you soon!


May 10, 2017

Oh little bean.

Let me tell you all of the excitement we’ve had in the past 48 hours.  When I woke up yesterday morning, I stood up to go to the bathroom, and felt some liquid go into my underwear. It felt like kind of a lot, so I woke up your dad and told him we needed to go to the emergency room. We went, and waited for a million, trillion years, and finally got an ultrasound, where they said your fluid levels looked good, and we concluded that basically I had just peed a little. Welcome to pregnancy. It’s magical.

After I got back to the room, the doctor came in with the nurses and said you looked fine for now, but that there was something else they needed to tell us. They said that you have cystic hygroma, which (we were told yesterday) was abnormal growth on the brain, that may or may not be fatal. So essentially, there was a good chance we would lose you at some point. I went home kind of disbelief, but not the same kind of disbelief I had when we lost your brother. Yesterday it was more of, no, that doesn’t feel right, the baby is fine. I just didn’t feel like there was anything wrong, whereas with Carter, I think we kind of knew the whole time that it wasn’t going to end well.

I did a really good thing and stayed off google all day. I came to work, didn’t focus on it too much, and then had daddy’s friend from work come give me a blessing. But I was kind of terrified, because in the ER I had asked the doctor, does the baby have it, or is it just that the baby may have it, and he said that you for sure did. He talked to Dr. Chavez, who said he wanted to see me today, so I called and made an appointment for this morning. It was a long night and morning, waiting to see the doctor, but I’m so glad we were able to get in early this morning.

This guy is a saint, baby H, let me tell you.

The first thing he said when he came in was that he almost called me to see how I was doing. That’s a big deal. Not a lot of doctors would care so much to call their patients on the day they aren’t in the office. Next, he asked what the ER doctor had told us, and told us that what the guy said was not entirely accurate. It’s not a growth on the brain, it is abnormal swelling of the lymphatic system, and it’s not always fatal. It can be, but it can also be a sign of Down Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, or some other syndrome. The only way we will know if it is a syndrome is by waiting to get our genetic test results back, which should hopefully be within the next week. If the test results do show something, then we will just have to go from there. If they don’t, he’ll send us to a specialist for an ultrasound, and see what they can find.

Dr. Chavez said he was very frustrated with the report the radiologist sent in. The radiologist didn’t specify where the abnormality was, or how big it was, only that it was there. He was frustrated, because we just had an ultrasound a week ago, and he didn’t see anything abnormal then, so whatever the radiologist saw should have been laid out more clearly, rather than just saying that you have cystic hygroma and leaving it at that. I (conveniently) drank 32 ounces of water 45 minutes before the appointment and didn’t use the bathroom, so we asked him if he wanted to do an ultrasound, and he said yes. He took us in and started looking, and still seemed frustrated. Finally, he said “so if I’m really looking for it, I could see how they would think this little fluid buildup could be something. It’s a stretch, but I could seem them thinking that was something.” He measured it, and it only measured about 1 centimeter, which is good. If it is really a cystic hygroma, and it was closer to 5 centimeters, then we would have to have a really hard conversation about what to do with you. If it is 2 or less, then there are other things that could be done or (if it’s not chromosomal) it could possibly go away. So I was happy that it wasn’t huge, but even happier that he kind of seemed to think the radiologist was off his rocker. He said multiple times that the radiologist is not a fetal radiologist, and is definitely not a high risk fetal radiologist, so there’s a chance the guy didn’t really know what he was talking about. He said, had Dr. Hutchison looked at the ultrasound and concluded that, he would have been more likely to believe it, but even then, Dr. Hutchison is the one who thought areas of Carter’s heart looked enlarged last year, and they weren’t.

Don’t get me wrong, little bean. I am still scared that this could end badly. I am absolutely terrified to lose you. If you have down syndrome, I don’t care! I just want you to be here and healthy so I can kiss your little face all over. But you and I had a lot of good talks before you got here (if you are who I think you are, anyway) and I don’t see this, the complications or any syndrome, in the cards for us. I just really don’t. I feel really good about you and this whole pregnancy, so I think it will be okay.

It has been an exciting few days, that’s for sure! But we are fourteen weeks pregnant today, and you are growing and moving so much! You are a wiggly little thing, just like your brother. I’m trying to eat healthy and exercise for your sake, but the doctor said to eat more ice cream, so I guess I just have to follow orders. We’re excited to get the test results back, so we can know if you are a little girl or boy, and to find out if we’ll be blessed with a different kind of parenthood (other than the different kind we are already living). Stay safe little bean, we love you so so much!!

How far along? : Fourteen weeks!!! So dang excited!!!
Baby is the size of: a peach!
Total weight gain/loss: Who cares!! But uh...still like four pounds. I definitely have a belly though..
Sleep: Sleep shmeep. Who needs it. Actually, me, that’s who. Not super tired, but not sleeping well still!
Best moment this week: Seeing you two times! You’re so wiggly and cute. And stubborn!! Roll over so we can see your face, for Pete’s sake!
Movement: Yes!! Just barely, but it’s so wonderful.
Symptoms: None, really. Still sensitive to all the smells, but that’s it!
Food cravings: Cookies and subway!
Food aversions: Anything super smelly
What I miss: Carter, working out hard, and having a naive and easy pregnancy.
What I am looking forward to: getting these dang test results back so we can know all the things!

Nursery reveal.

A year ago this week, we set up the crib and dresser in Carter's room. We ordered some art for the walls, and hung up curtains that were the perfect shade of blue. I realized right after we lost him that I never shared pictures of his room. As we started thinking about a nursery for our little girl, I kind of had anxiety about redoing the nursery. The nursery has been my sanctuary since we lost him, and once that room changes, where would I go when I need to grieve? Unluckily, the nursery is still not changing for at least nine months. But I thought I should share pictures. It's pretty simple, but it's the most put together room in the house, besides the two picture frames that hold someone else's photos (and a baby, that one kills me). We have spent so much time in the nursery that it's honestly my very favorite room. I never would have imagined that it would sit empty for as long as it has, but I'm glad we have the space to honor our babies.


The changing pad used to sit on top of the dresser, covered with a gray background and white clouds. We put it away to make space for these boxes that hold special things for our babies.

When we are able to redo the nursery for another baby, I plan to move Brandon's drawing for Carter to a wall in our bedroom. 


The importance of flight.

I wrote this post on our way home from Amsterdam, and still think about this day a lot. I'm so grateful for these little signs from our babies!

Being on vacation for a week was hard. It was super fun, don't get me wrong, but it was hard to be away from home and our boy for so long. I feel him the most at home, and that feeling fades just a little whenever I leave the house. After days of no routine, little sleep, and anxiety from just being outside my current comfort zone, I broke down. I just wanted to go home and be with him.

One night, while I laid in bed for hours trying to fall asleep, I asked to be given a sign that he was there with us. Actually, I kind of begged. I just needed something. The next day, there was nothing. I went back to the hotel sad, but still hoping that something would show up.

That night, I got the most sleep of the entire trip. The next afternoon, we were wandering around the Amsterdam City museum, learning about the history of the city, and saw this little beauty on the wall:


I didn't read the rest of the timeline, so I'm not sure why the Wright brothers were so crucial to the development of Amsterdam, but that was my sign. The last time I had given the Wright brothers any thought was at the air and space museum, which is where we found Carter's middle name, Mckay. Airplanes have played a far more significant role in his little life than I ever would have imagined! I just stood there, staring at the plane, and cried. It was such a special little gift to be given on a day I needed it most!

Fast forward twenty minutes later, when we were trying to find dinner, and I found a restaurant called Carter. We didn't go there, but it was still fun to see his name on my map! 

We sure do miss our little guy, but It's always nice to have these little signs pop up, or to hear that other people are thinking of him!


Hi Little Bean: May 3, 2017

This post is from the day we did our blood draw to do genetic testing, and in turn, find out the gender. It was probably one of the happiest days I'd had since we found out we were pregnant again.

May 3, 2017

Little baby H,

I guess I can call you that now, because regardless of your gender, you are going to be baby H! That’s so crazy!! I’ll have to tell your daddy as soon as he stops being so busy with work this morning.

This past week has been fairly uneventful with you. I’m starting to feel actually pregnant already, which is a big change compared to last time. I know they say you get bigger with each pregnancy, but I did not expect to feel this big already! But I don’t remember when I started to not be able to do up my pants last year haha. I still can do them up now, but they are getting uncomfortable. I would guess just a couple more weeks and we’ll be using a hair tie. It’s starting to get warm outside anyway, so forget pants and bring on the skirts! I haven’t been quite as nauseous this week as I have in the past, but there have just been a couple times. A little bit Monday morning and a little bit last night, but that was my own fault, the popcorn was so good! No major cravings, but I only want to eat sweet things. When I start eating vegetables, I actually start feeling sick for the first few bites until I get used to it. I just think that the bland food doesn’t make my stomach quite as happy as other things do.

Sleep is still not going too well. I don’t ever feel like I need a nap in the afternoon, and I can fall asleep super quickly at night, but once I wake up to go to the bathroom around two or three, I’m just off and on until the alarm goes off. Hopefully as we get further into the second trimester, my bladder will slow down a bit and let me sleep through the night for once.

Speaking of that….SECOND TRIMESTER!!! Today puts me at thirteen weeks, which means we are about into the second trimester, and my fear of losing you can decrease a little. It won’t go away entirely, but it might get better. I try and tell myself that we lost Carter due to a cord accident at the very very end, so the chances of anything happening to you are very slim, but I still worry. I’m your mom, it’s what I’m supposed to do. You’ll thank me for it someday.

One conversation I’ve been having with your dad a lot this last week is about what kind of parent I’m supposed to be. And I don’t mean like how I will raise you, but I’ve been wondering a lot if I’m just meant to be a mom to angel babies. I hope with all my heart we don’t lose you too, but what if we do? I don’t know that I could just stop trying to have my own kids, because we know that I can carry a baby full term, but how many could I lose before giving up? Infinity, I think. And I mean that sincerely. I would keep trying and trying until I couldn’t try anymore because I want nothing more to be a mom. But it sure would suck to be a mom to four and not have any little feet running around.

Keep me hopeful, little bean. You and your siblings kept me alive after we lost Carter, and I know they are all up there looking out for me and your dad right now. So you just be safe in there. Grow like you know how, and I’ll keep eating these stupid vegetables just for you. Love you!

How far along? : THIRTEEN WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Baby is the size of: a lemon!
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, but I don’t like pants anymore haha.
Sleep: I sleep really well from about ten to two, and from two until five I don’t sleep well at all. I’m tired until about lunch time, but don’t feel the need for a nap in the afternoon, which is nice. I just want to feel rested! Come on second trimester!
Best moment this week: I’m really look forward to the blood draw this afternoon. Seven to fourteen days until we know whether you are a boy or girl!!
Movement: I don’t think so.
Symptoms: BLOATED.
Food cravings: Not vegetables
Food aversions: Tomato sauce still, and anything that has kind of a strong, instant smell. Like the fridge. Also, vegetables don’t make me happy, but I eat them anyway!
What I miss: Being naive and not angry, and Carter.
What I am looking forward to: SEVEN TO FOURTEEN DAYS!!!!