It's very obvious that our life is sort of torn in two 100% of the time. It is very easy to be both sad and okay at the same time, but I don't think that is something that everyone understands. Lately, I've been feeling like this blog is very polarized. Some days I talk about my grief, and other days I'm talking happily about Disney. A few months ago, Brandon suggested starting a different blog solely for the heavier posts, and I was really adamant that I didn't want to separate them. Grief is a big part of our lives, and I almost feel like it would be a disservice to ourselves to try and hide it, or give it a more "appropriate" place. I can tell you for a fact that grief has literally zero understanding of "appropriate" when it comes to timing or placement.
I started Freckle Eye Fancy with the intentions of having it be a lifestyle blog. In our lives, lifestyle includes food, travel, home decor, daily life, and essentially whatever else I feel like talking about. Some day I hope to be able to write about the children we have at home. But our current lifestyle also includes grief. While Carter and Little Bean would absolutely be mentioned on here, breaking off with a different blog would mean that Freckle Eye Fancy becomes a lighter representation of our every day life.
Some people are here for the grief, and some people probably get tired of it. I want your opinion on what you think would be best for the blog, and then get ready to see some changes. What do you want to see from me/us? Thank you in advance!